Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The History of Quilting essays

The History of Quilting essays The History of Quilting A quilt is a warm bedcovering made of three layers: top, padding, and backing. Quilting is an ancient craft that has been the subject of many changes of use over the centuries. In the 1600s many people who lived in Europe left their homes and sailed away to America to start a new life. They lived in small settlements called colonies. By 1700, Great Britain controlled a string of colonies along the eastern coast of what is today the United States. The people in the colonies needed food, shelter and clothing. There were no stores or supplies in the wilderness, so the colonists had to bring with them everything they needed to begin life in their land. Among the many things that were brought, quilts were one of the most useful. Quilting started as a form of warmth and protection, but later developed as an art form of decoration. Quilted fabrics have been used for protective armor, warm clothing, warm bedding, and just pure decoration. Quilts were out to all manner of uses: tents, bedcovers, mattresses, doors, windows, flooring, and protection for precious crops (Bail 10). Quilts were also used to keep familys valuables from breaking during the bumpy wagon ride west. The quilts also served as cushions and beds for the weary travelers (Morgan 6). Settlers took many quilts with them because winters were often cold and stormy. Quilting slowly started to become a big social activity which was one of few opportunities many women had to enjoy a productive break from their every day chores. Much has been recorded of quilting bees where woman worked together, but it would be wrong to think that this was the only way in which quilts were made (Chainey 21). The majority of quilts on both sides of the Atlantic were the work of many women and their close family. After 1875 a new bedcovering-the Marcella or Marseilles quilt- ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Participar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Participar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb participar is a cognate of the English verb to participate, which means that both words are derived from the same root word and have similar meanings. Participar is a regular -ar verb, like tratar and ayudar. This article includes participar conjugations in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Using the Verb Participar Since participar is a cognate of the English participate, it has the same meaning in both languages. Therefore, you can use participar in most contexts when you would use the English verb participate. For example, you can say Quiero participar en la competencia (I want to participate in the competition). However, in Spanish participar can be used in a few ways that do not translate to English. For example, it can be used to mean to share information or inform, as in Ella me participà ³ de la fecha de la reunià ³n (She shared with me the date of the meeting); or to share or get a share of something, as in Todos participamos de los beneficios de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a (We all share in the companys benefits). Participar Present Indicative Yo participo I participate Yo participo en la clase. Tà º participas You participate Tà º participas en las reuniones importantes. Usted/à ©l/ella participa You/he/she participates Ella participa en la conferencia como invitada especial. Nosotros participamos We participate Nosotros participamosen la carrera. Vosotros participis Youparticipate Vosotros participis en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Ustedes/ellos/ellas participan You/they participate Ellos participanen las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Preterite Indicative The preterite tense is usually translated to English as the simple past. It is used to describe completed actions in the past. Yo participà © I participated Yo participà © en la clase. Tà º participaste You participated Tà º participaste en las reuniones importantes. Usted/à ©l/ella participà ³ You/he/she participated Ella participà ³ en la conferencia como invitada especial. Nosotros participamos We participated Nosotros participamosen la carrera. Vosotros participasteis Youparticipated Vosotros participasteis en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Ustedes/ellos/ellas participaron You/they participated Ellos participaron en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is also a past tense, but it is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It is usually translated to English as was participating or used to participate. Yo participaba I used to participate Yo participaba en la clase. Tà º participabas You used to participate Tà º participabas en las reuniones importantes. Usted/à ©l/ella participaba You/he/she used to participate Ella participaba en la conferencia como invitada especial. Nosotros participbamos We used to participate Nosotros participbamosen la carrera. Vosotros participabais Youused to participate Vosotros participabais en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Ustedes/ellos/ellas participaban You/they used to participate Ellos participaban en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Future Indicative Yo participarà © I will participate Yo participarà © en la clase. Tà º participars You will participate Tà º participars en las reuniones importantes. Usted/à ©l/ella participar You/he/she will participate Ella participar en la conferencia como invitada especial. Nosotros participaremos We will participate Nosotros participaremosen la carrera. Vosotros participarà ©is Youwill participate Vosotros participarà ©is en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Ustedes/ellos/ellas participarn You/they will participate Ellos participarn en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Periphrastic  Future Indicative   The periphrastic future has three different components: the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive participar. Yo voy a participar I am going to participate Yo voya participar en la clase. Tà º vasa participar You aregoing toparticipate Tà º vasa participar en las reuniones importantes. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa participar You/he/she isgoing toparticipate Ella vaa participar en la conferencia como invitada especial. Nosotros vamosa participar We aregoing toparticipate Nosotros vamosa participar en la carrera. Vosotros vaisa participar Youaregoing toparticipate Vosotros vaisa participar en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana participar You/they aregoing toparticipate Ellos vana participar en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Present Progressive/Gerund Form The present participle or gerund is a verb form that is often used as an adverb or to form progressive verb forms like the present progressive. Present Progressive ofParticipar est participando Is participating Ella est participando en la conferencia como invitada especial. Participar Past Participle The past participle can be used as an adjective or to form perfect tenses like the present perfect. Present Perfect of Participar ha participado Has participated Ella ha participado en la conferencia como invitada especial. Participar Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated to English as would verb, and it is used to talk about possibilities. Yo participarà ­a I will participate Yo participarà ­a en la clase si no fuera tan tà ­mida. Tà º participarà ­as You will participate Tà º participarà ­as en las reuniones importantes si te invitaran. Usted/à ©l/ella participarà ­a You/he/she will participate Ella participarà ­a en la conferencia como invitada especial si pudiera asistir. Nosotros participarà ­amos We will participate Nosotros participarà ­amosen la carrera si entrenramos suficiente. Vosotros participarà ­ais Youwill participate Vosotros participarà ­ais en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta si pudierais asistir. Ustedes/ellos/ellas participarà ­an You/they will participate Ellos participarà ­an en las elecciones polà ­ticas si pudieran votar. Participar Present Subjunctive Que yo participe That I participate La maestra quiere que yo participe en la clase. Que tà º participes That you participate El jefe pide que tà º participes en las reuniones importantes. Que usted/à ©l/ella participe That you/he/she participate La profesora espera que ella participe en la conferencia como invitada especial. Que nosotros participemos That we participate El entrenador quiere que nosotros participemos en la carrera. Que vosotros participà ©is That you participate Patricia necesita que vosotros participà ©isen la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas participen That you/they participate El gobernador quiere que ellos participen en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive can be conjugated in two different ways, shown in the tables below. Option 1 Que yo participara That I participated La maestra querà ­a que yo participara en la clase. Que tà º participaras That you participated El jefe pidià ³ que tà º participaras en las reuniones importantes. Que usted/à ©l/ella participara That you/he/she participated La profesora esperaba que ella participara en la conferencia como invitada especial. Que nosotros participramos That we participated El entrenador querà ­a que nosotros participramosen la carrera. Que vosotros participarais That you participated Patricia necesitaba que vosotros participaraisen la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas participaran That you/they participated El gobernador querà ­a que ellos participaran en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Option 2 Que yo participase That I participated La maestra querà ­a que yo participase en la clase. Que tà º participases That you participated El jefe pidià ³ que tà º participases en las reuniones importantes. Que usted/à ©l/ella participase That you/he/she participated La profesora esperaba que ella participase en la conferencia como invitada especial. Que nosotros participsemos That we participated El entrenador querà ­a que nosotros participsemosen la carrera. Que vosotros participaseis That you participated Patricia necesitaba que vosotros participaseisen la organizacià ³n de la fiesta. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas participasen That you/they participated El gobernador querà ­a que ellos participasen en las elecciones polà ­ticas. Participar Imperative The imperative mood consists of commands, both positive and negative. Positive Commands Tà º participa Participate!  ¡Participa en las reuniones importantes! Usted participe Participate!  ¡Participe en la conferencia como invitada especial! Nosotros participemos Let's participate!  ¡Participemos en la carrera! Vosotros participad Participate!  ¡Participad en la organizacià ³n de la fiesta! Ustedes participen Participate!  ¡Participen en las elecciones polà ­ticas! Negative Commands Tà º no participes Don't participate!  ¡No participes en las reuniones importantes! Usted no participe Don't participate!  ¡No participe en la conferencia como invitada especial! Nosotros no participemos Let's not participate!  ¡No participemos en la carrera! Vosotros no participà ©is Don't participate!  ¡No participà ©is en la planeacià ³n de la fiesta! Ustedes no participen Don't participate!  ¡No participen en las elecciones polà ­ticas!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sustainable Operations Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainable Operations Paper - Essay Example Soon companies started realizing that profits and profitability are not the only factors of long term development but future of the people and the planet are also key elements for sustainable operations. Hence, these new objectives were classified as the triple bottom line (3BL) which included the three P’s of people, profit and planet. After all the recent developments and expansions, people have started to ask for more than mere salaries and profits. They now emphasize on factors like improved performance on environmental, health and safety issues. So now Wal-Mart has to make the decision of investing in such activities of environmental and health concerns and how do follow them in the most efficient and cost effective method. Wal-Mart, 2009. Media OnSugar [http://media.onsugar.com/files/ons4/2009/12/53/307/3075777/e343f2c5ac55a097_350px-Sustainable_development.svg.xlarge.jpg] â€Å"At Wal-Mart, we know that being an efficient and profitable business and being a good stewar d of the environment are goals that can work together. Our broad environmental goals at Wal-Mart are simple and straightforward: To be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy; To create zero waste; To sell products that sustains people and the environment. Our efforts have been recognized through  numerous awards, which would not be possible without the support of our customers, associates and communities around the world.† (Wal-mart, 2012) Wal-Mart launched a global business strategy of sustainability to lessen the business’s burden on the global environment and hence become one of the leading supply-chain companies in the world. They aimed to be named as the most competitive and innovative company in the world. The emphasis was then on the fact that objective of profitability was going to be taken along with the implementation of development of the environment. (Wal-Mart, 2012) The management at Wal-Mart knew that they had to carry the program of improvement of env ironment along with business profitability to gain sustainable operations and growth in longer term. Wal-Mart hired a popular firm, Blu Skye for an overall analysis of the environmental impact and for consultation on issues related to sustainability in the globalized world. Wal-Mart collaborated with other companies as well which included; Conservation International (CI) and Environmental Defense (ED). ( Farfan, 2011) The team of Wal-Mart executives had identified 3 primary areas of environmental goals which mainly included; energy, waste and products. All these are divided into two sections; direct goals and indirect goals. Direct goals include increasing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy and reducing waste in retail operations. All these were in immediate control of Wal-Mart and can be classified as primary factors. Indirect goals included basic operations and relationship with the suppliers. They focused more on sustainable operations and entire value chain of Wal-Mart. (Herrera, 2010) All the sustainable operations drive led by the management of Wal-Mart was highly confused as being more of philanthropist nature. After serious concerns and meeting, the idea was brought into the mind of many who were confused to clear all the misconceptions about the business handling being carried out. They stated that all the business activity carried out by Wal-Mart was not

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

LIBRARY RESEARCH PROCESS Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LIBRARY PROCESS - Research Paper Example A researcher should always start from the reference desk before starting researching on his topic. At the reference desk, the researcher should describe their research interests to the reference librarian based on the research questions a researcher had formulated as a guide in the project. A good researcher is always composed and sure of what they want to research on. This gives a reference librarian confidence to direct the person on the relevant steps and sources. The reference librarian will then direct the researcher to the library catalog where a researcher gathers several relevant materials on the research topic. With all that, the researcher now explores all the available materials that will assist in gathering relevant information on the research topic (Zemliansky, 2008). The exploration starts from browsing through the materials to see whether they contain information worth investigating on. Having gotten the materials, it is also part of best practice to ensure that the ma terials remain in good condition since another person may need them on a later date. Opportunity for consultation: When using brick-and-mortar library, a researcher is in a position to get first hand assistance on their research topic from experienced and trained reference librarians as compare to online research where one relies on the information gotten first (Peters, 2010). A researcher could be tempted to take the reference librarian’s direction as final without giving it further thoughts on exploration. This is risky since it might end up changing the researcher’s original idea of the project. They are inconveniencing especially when a given source is not available in the library. Usually it takes a lot of time for an interlibrary loan since protocols and procedures have to be followed before the material is availed to the researcher. Schultz, A. (2009). Digitalization and the Library: The End of Libraries as Physical Place? Redoable Lite Dean J Robinson. Retrieved

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Night of Scorpion Essay Example for Free

Night of Scorpion Essay Night of the scorpion written by Nissim Ezkiel is an interesting poem and the poet brings about a very appealing contrast between good and evil in it; altogether giving the poem an essence of equality. The poet makes it a trouble-free task for the readers to visualize the scenes with the appropriate use of various imageries. He has also done a marvelous work of adding various different senses into the poem. All the senses, visual, smell, internal feelings and sound have been included. In this poem we can see the scenes vividly with the help of lines like,† †¦to crawl beneath a sack of rice,† and,† Peasants came like swarm of flies. Nissim Ezekiel is able to keep are mind alive and engaged the entire duration of the poem with the help of lines like,† Peasants came like swarm of flies. † When we read this line, we know that it is a simile and it help us to see how the peasants came along. But when think deeper we realize that it also shows us that the narrator does not admire the kind of care that the villagers are showing, he just wants them to leave him and his family alone. The reason the villagers are compared to flies is to show exactly how exasperating they are and that they are not welcome, just like flies. The poet has made this poem complex, which is always a good thing. This can be proved because to describe the scorpion he uses words like â€Å"diabolical† and â€Å"The Evil One† which show it as a demonic creature. On the other hand he also used lines like,â€Å" driven him to crawl beneath a sack of rice† and â€Å"†¦ risked the rain again,† which brings about a contradiction as this line shows that the scorpion is not at all the villain, it is simply scared. Among the many figures of speech used in this poem onomatopoeia is one of them. He has used this figure of speech efficiently, enabling us to hear the constant noises that were made. The poet write that the villagers â€Å"buzzed the name of god† which again stresses on the point that the noise and commotion being made by the villagers was not at all welcome. The poet further draws the interest of the reader by using a figure of speech to convey this message and not doing it directly. He has also written â€Å"They clicked their tongues,† which is another instance of onomatopoeia. The element of smell is brought about because the poet has introduced candles and burning oil in lanterns in his poem as well. Nissim Ezekiel has made the mother’s experience of getting bitten by the scorpion sound excruciating and eternal. He has conveyed this by using some very descriptive writing, example, â€Å"May the poison purify your flesh of desire, and your spirit of ambition,† Nissim Ezekiel successfully built the tense atmosphere by using just a short sentence,â€Å" My father, sceptic, rationalist, trying every curse and blessing,† There is also an instance in which the poet uses alliteration,â€Å" I watched the flame feeding on my mother. This line has also been able to build up the complex nature of the poem because of its dual meaning. We can simply say that the ‘flame’ refers to flame of the paraffin or we can also say that ‘flame’ refers to the scorpion’s poison. The poem ends sanguinely, with the mother surviving and being thankful to god for making her suffer and not her children. After all the tense moments of pain, suffering, torture and fear, the poem has a very touching and warm ending which proves the mother’s love for her children.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Abortion :: essays research papers

DOES ABORTION SANCTION EVIL? By Joseph Kellard from Capitalism Magazine/Feb.98 This interesting article written by Joseph Kellard is a pro-choice article that examines the issue of abortion from a moral perspective. He comments on the opinions of Christian Conservatives and compares their thinking to Adolph Hitler’s feelings on abortion. Kellard points out the irony of anti-abortionists when they say that â€Å"all life is precious†, when they actually discount the life of the pregnant woman. Conservative syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas is quoted as saying that â€Å"abortion’s legalization is a goose-step toward Nazi concentration camps.† He said that pro-abortionists are creating a â€Å"culture of death†, much like the Nazis did. He goes so far as blaming the violent acts of criminals on people who support abortion. Other conservative anti-abortionists call the legalization of abortion â€Å"the American Holocaust.† Kellard quoted Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf, as saying â€Å"I put an end to the idea that a woman’s body belongs to her...Nazi ideals demand that the practice of abortion shall be exterminated with a strong hand.† Hitler sentenced Aryan women who had abortions to hard labor after the first offense, and to death after the second offense. Kellard goes on to say that Conservative Christian anti-abortionists have similar beliefs to Adolph Hitler. He actually feels that in some ways Hitler was more lenient because some anti-abortionists believe that a woman should be executed after her first abortion, not her second! Kellard believes that Hitler and anti-abortionists both deny individual autonomy and â€Å"render people submissive†. He goes on to criticize the idea that â€Å"all life is precious†, because in fact the woman’s life is not considered as important as the embryo or fetus. This makes a woman no more important than a ‘farm cow’, who is demanded to breed whenever she gets pregnant. This is the way Nazi youth were trained.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Executive and managerial planning for Bosch-Kazakhstan Essay

The founder of the Bosch Group, Robert Bosch , described an important value of the HR philosophy of the company:† It is my intention, apart from the alleviation of all kinds of suffering, to promote the moral, physical and intellectual development of the people† which is greatly integrated into the employee development in the Bosch. Based on the company international executive and managerial planning and country-specific situation, this article will plan and reason the number in a chart for the future eight-year executive and managerial planning in Kazakhstan. An action plan related to the managerial staffing target will be provided. The EMP of the Bosch Group for Kazakhstan, a country with relatively small population and only 4 percent of the population holds a university degree, met four main problems. 1) The labor market for qualified and specialists is very small. 2) The production sites are located in rural places which are hardly attractive to qualified employees. 3) There is growing demand of expatriates for the diesel site. 4) Russian is used in everyday business by most of the people in Kazakhstan. In order to resolve these problems, the human resource manager has to make a plan according to the Bosch employee development scheme. In Bosch, the first typical staffing policy is that the managerial promotion of employees is mainly from within Bosch rather than from outside. For this principal, most of the employees of the manager level in Kazakhstan should be expatriates. Second, the Bosch headquarter constructed a complete and functional promotion procedure for the development of employees called â€Å"manager development plan† (MDP). Employees with outstanding performance in Kazakhstan will be systematically prepared for the next management level. Third, the promotion is directly connected with mobility potential as well as willingness to take on international assignment. This means the work experience in Kazakhstan will be helpful to career advancement. As a result, in spite of the tough work condition in Kazakhstan, these international HR management policies facilitates not only on company business side but also on employees’ development side. Based on the policies and Kazakhstan specific situation, I develop an executive and managerial planning chart for future eight years. Executive and Managerial Planning Kazakhstan This chart is separated into two periods. The first four years from 2007 to 2010 which focus on the input stemming from growing business planning of the diesel division. The second four years from 2011 to 2014 is more stable and more succession planning. So you may see in the chart that staffing needs 2011-2014 are mainly due to replacement rather than further growth. Staffing sources, as a result, are mostly expatriates and local MDP members but not new hire from outside the company. For example, the middle managers 2011-2014 are mainly comprised of expatriates from headquarter or cross-division assignments and the local MDP members who are promoted from lower managers in 2007-2010 and no external hires for middle management because of no growth 2011-2014. Then I will analyze the staffing sources in detail for four main reasons: 1. External hires are mainly from qualified local people who meet the requirement of the lower management level, are familiar with local condition and have language strengths. At the same time, compare with the other sources, they are low cost. However, the qualified and specialists in Kazakhstan is very small, external hires are limited and not as many as expatriates in low management level. In order to solve this problem, we can hire people from Russia, located close to Kazakhstan and share the same business language. I set a few external hires in the middle management level 2007-2010 because there still has a few local talented people who have the same international managerial experience and more familiar with Kazakhstan’s culture and situations. 2. All of junior managers  (JUMP) are set in lower management level. Since the case mentioned that the goal of the program is to recruit junior managers with the potential to assume a middle management position in 6-8 years. They stay in Kazakhstan for about six-month (short-term) to train a common set of worldwide standards, experiences and activities and then go back to Germany. 3. For local MDP members who show an above-average development potential and have already been familiar with both local environment and company cores are more likely to get the position of middle and upper management level than of lower management level. The target of the MDP candidates is to promote into the next management level in no more than four years (long-term). Some of the local MDP members in middle management level 2011-2014 are from those of lower management level 2007-2010. For upper management level, local MDP members are the ideal choices for all aspects such as capability, experience and environment familiarity. 4. Because labor market for qualified and specialists in Kazakhstan is very small and the rural locations hardly attract local employees, more expatriates are needed than other sources in lower management level. For example, it is a good opportunity for associates and supervisors who performed well from headquarter and divisions to gain managerial experience outside. In addition, expatriates show more loyalty to the company which is good for organizational control. Expatriates stay in Kazakhstan at least eighteen-month (middle-term) to meet the demand of technical shortage. However, they are not the best person for upper level because of the language and familiarity concerns. Action plan 1) External hires: qualified employees from local and neighbor states In order to attract local employees as many as possible, the Bosch can offer them higher compensation compared with local companies. Local candidates can also attend training with other expatriates to broaden their vision. In addition, due to the little mobility, local employees are more suitable for long-term work in their home country. Personnel exchange to other country is not necessary. 2) Programs (JUMP): According to talent management policy, the target for junior managers’ work in Kazakhstan is to increase their managerial skills and experience. Six-month rotation arrangement for each batch of JUMP is preferred. In my  plan, about two to three junior managers will be transferred to Kazakhstan semi-annually within future eight years. Training focusing on managerial practice and work under middle managers should be provided for the purpose of worldwide standards. 3) Local MDP members: Most of local MDP members are from Germany who had outstanding performances in headquarter and worked in Kazakhstan for couple of years. They need to stay in Kazakhstan for about four years (long-term) in order to promote into the next management level. Culture awareness programs and language training are necessary before the international assignment. 4) Expatriates: employees and managers from headquarter and divisions A majority of these expatriates are assigned due to technical, process expertise and management experience. For the first four years, part of the personnel needs is due to the fast growth of diesel division. Expatriates have to stay in Kazakhstan for 3 years. For the smooth transition, new expatriates to Kazakhstan should be separated into small batches to match the expatriates’ return and retirement. After assignment’s completion, they will go back to headquarter or their home countries. Culture awareness programs and language training are provided in advance.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Criticisms of Plato’s Theory of the Forms Essay

Plato’s theory of forms, also called his theory of ideas, states that there is another world, separate from the material world that we live in called the â€Å"eternal world of forms†. This world, to Plato, is more real than the one we live in. His theory is shown in his Allegory of the Cave (from The Republic, Book VII), where the prisoners only live in what they think is a real world, but really it is a shadow of reality. According to Plato, to the prisoners in the allegory and to humanity in the material world â€Å"truth would be literally nothing but shadows† and he believes us to be as ignorant as the people in the cave. Plato followed the belief that in order for something to be real it has to be permanent, and as everything in the world we live in is constantly changing, he assumed there must be something else. In his eternal world of forms, there is an ideal form of every object there is in this world. Plato answers the question â€Å"what is beauty?â⠂¬  by discovering the essence of true beauty. The reason one recognises something has being beautiful is because we have an innate knowledge of something that is beauty, i.e. we know of the form of true beauty in the eternal world of forms, and everything we see compares to that. Something is only beautiful if it shares characteristics with the form of beauty in the other world. The most important form is the form of the good, portrayed by the sun in the allegory of the cave. Aristotle was Plato’s main critic and was once a pupil of Plato. Aristotle and many other philosophers who came after Plato criticised Plato’s view that these ideal forms had an independent existence. Many people believe that there must be something to which we compare all objects and something that makes something what it is and not something else. But that doesn’t mean that it exists separate from our bodies. Plato does not prove, or even try and prove that these perfect forms are self-evident. It is Plato’s disability to prove this that causes people to criticise his theory. As Aristotle was one of his pupils, he does not totally reject Plato’s theory but argues that it may not be the only logical reason towards how something is classified. Another criticism made by Aristotle. Linked to the previous one is that Aristotle does not believe that there can be an ideal form of Disease, or  Dirt, or anything bad. If these things are unwanted then how can there be a perfect form of these? A perfect form of disease would be one that does not harm anybody, and doesn’t cause death or suffering. Some concepts fit Plato’s system in better ways than others. For example, mathematical concepts are easier for us to understand than others. How are we to know what the ideal dog is like? Is it tall, short, fat, or skinny? The perfect form of a circle fits into his theory as we know what a perfect circle would be like. It is hard to believe that there is a perfect form of a piece of paper, or a plastic bag. But, as can be seen, this criticism is again not totally dismissing Plato’s theory but is finding loopholes in it. Another problem with his theory, which is again related to the last, is how far the ideal form relates? Plato does not make it clear whether the perfect form in the other world is very specific or whether it isn’t. If we take for example a dog; is the form in the eternal world of forms just an ideal animal, or an ideal dog? Perhaps it goes further to the breed of dog, or even whether it is male or female. As Plato doesn’t elucidate this, we could go on and on until we have a form of every animal, so a shortsighted, over-weight, female dog. This means that the forms are no longer universal and therefore end up having no meaning. If both Aristotle and Plato were aiming to reach the highest from of the good then they should both agree on how to reach it. Plato claims that the highest form of the good is like the sun, â€Å"seen only with an effort†, and is the one thing that makes other things the way they are as it is â€Å"the universal author of all things†¦and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual†. Goodness is something that cannot be defined, when asked, different people have different ideas about what is good, or right and wrong, whereas if everybody was asked to point to the sun they all would. This disproves his theory as not everybody has a true understanding of the Form of the Good. Plato fails to set out his theory clearly and allow the reader to realise it is a theory. Nowhere in his dialogues does he state that he is describing a theory of forms, and so people may have misunderstood his writing s and he  may not have meant it to be a theory at all. He has elements of his theory in many different dialogues and is inconsistent. In Book I of the Metaphysics Aristotle claims that Plato had a â€Å"system† to the effect that â€Å"the many sensibles which have the same name exist by participating in the corresponding Forms.† This quote from Aristotle’s work suggests that Plato did have a theory of forms but this is not believed by all people. None of these criticisms totally disallow Plato’s theory but argue against it and suggest other possibilities. Although there are many critics of Plato there are also many people who follow him, and even in this day and age Plato’s ideas are understood and followed and he has ended up being one of the most influential philosophers although his Theory of Forms is slightly over the top and hard to understand. To a certain extent these criticisms are valid, but in other ways they are not. In my opinion they are valid as far as criticisms are concerned but are not valid if they are meant to oppose Plato’s theory. In my view they are invalid to go up against Plato’s theory of forms because they do not supply us with any other options but simply point out the flaws of his arguments. For example, Aristotle’s criticism that these ideal forms do not have to exist independently from this material world is valid. But he does not give us a reason why it is impossible for them to be self-evident or explain to us how they could exist in this world. This causes the criticisms to be less valid in my view as there is no significant reason for Plato’s theory to be untrue. Likewise with the second criticism about how there cannot be an ideal form of dirt. I believe there can be. Just as good things can have ideal forms, bad things also must have something to which we compare them. The form would produce a definition of disease and there is no reason why this cannot exist. When Plato talks about something ideal, he does not mean it is ideal in the context we want it and need it, but just that it is the form to which we will compare things and it is the perfect form of a bad thing. Although people criticise Plato’s because it is hard to believe that there is an  ideal form of some things that aren’t mathematical concepts, it doesn’t mean they are not true just because we don’t understand it. I therefore, do not think that this criticism is valid, as I do not see a reason why it cannot be true. One criticism I do think is valid is that Plato does not make it clear about whether the ideal form is of a certain animal, a species or breed. But, Plato may not have thought it necessary to make this clear to us as he may have thought it obvious. This, however, is really giving Plato the benefit of the doubt, and so I think this is a valid criticism. Even if Plato and Aristotle were both aiming for the same thing, in my view it does not mean they have to do it in the same way. Aristotle did believe many of the things Plato taught him, but just expanded his ideas a bit more. I do not believe this to be a valid criticism as there are always many ways to reach an end and not everybody has to follow the same path to reach their goal. Plato criticises his own theory a few times but eventually reaches answers to the things he criticised. This can either cause other people’s criticisms to be more valid or less valid depending on the way you look at it. Often, when people criticise their own work before somebody else does, it lowers the value of the criticism as it shows Plato already knew people would criticise him for that. On the other hand, it makes me think that there is reason to criticise if he himself criticises his theory. This causes later criticisms of his theory to be more valid. There are many reasons for the criticisms to be valid, and many why they are not. I personally think that most of them are not valid and if even nowadays many people believe Plato’s theory then there must be some truth in it. Bibliography *Foundation for the Study of Religion – Libby Ahluwalia *Plato – R.M.Hare *Philosophy: an Introduction – Mel Thompson *Encarta – Plato

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Importance of following Orders Essays

The Importance of following Orders Essays The Importance of following Orders Essay The Importance of following Orders Essay The importance of following a direct order Last night at final formation the company was directly told from, The BAD GUY to put our phones up before we went to sleep. This was Just a simple task that should have been too easy to follow, right, wrong after lights out I was laying in bed not talking on my phone but I was still fumbling around with my phone trying to set my alarm, which was wrong because in the back of my mind I knew all I had to do was just leave the phone alone. Now this order was Just something that could have been voided by Just putting my phone in my locker. Although this situation leading up to being as sensitive as disobeying a direct order was not that major of a problem it would have been too easy to Just put the phone up and go to sleep. I understand that if we were in a combat situation and I was given a direct and I broke it being a part of the regular army would get somebody foot broken off in your ass. Like in the situation of being in the FAA twenty minutes away from an Iraqi strip club and the owner there has been letting your team come in and drink cheap all night, but your Platoon SST gave the direct order to stay away from the club and not to drink while on duty, because of possible Deeds that would be on the way And what the team didnt know is that a few days earlier that same owner was visually caught from a recon stashing possible explosives In his 97 diesel Mercedes. So now a few days later. Its the weekend baby, the team is getting restless and want to get out the FOB even if it was Just for a few hours. One of the privates decides to get his boys from the team and go anyway even thought his Platoon SST said not to leave the FAA thou permission! So during his six hour fire guard he and his team dip off and go to the club anyway. Now the team Is In the club getting drunk partying have a good time not really being able to pay attention to everything thats going on and they start to lose their edge. The owner see that their too messed up to control themselves Blame It on the alcohol I guess you could say, but while they stagger back to the FOB the owner fallows the soldiers back to the FOB takes them out about a mile out before they get back and rams his 97 diesel Mercedes straight Into the middle of the FOB and took out half the unit. If the soldiers would have Just been on duty they would have seen the car trying come up to the FAA and would have been gunned down before they even knew what hit them. This Is Just an example of why you should follow orders even though It was Just a simple order that was disobeyed It got everybody around the soldiers killed. The Importance of following Orders By sharks Last night at final formation the company was directly told from, The BAD GIG-JP to on duty, because of possible Deeds that would be on the way ND what the team icon stashing possible explosives in his 97 diesel Mercedes. So now a few days later. Its the weekend baby, the team is getting restless and want to get out the to the club anyway. Now the team is in the club getting drunk partying have a good blame it on the alcohol I guess you could say, but while they stagger back to the FOB before they get back and rams his 97 diesel Mercedes straight into the middle of the down before they even knew what hit them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Genie Wiley, the Feral Child

Genie Wiley, the Feral Child Genie Wiley (born April 1957) was a severely neglected and abused child who was discovered and taken into custody by authorities when she was 13 years old. While her circumstances until that point were undeniably tragic, they also presented an opportunity for psychologists, linguists, and other researchers to study psychosocial, emotional, and cognitive development in an individual who had suffered from severe social isolation and deprivation. In particular, the discovery of Genie presented an opportunity to study whether a child who was past the so-called critical period for language acquisition could learn to speak a first language. Key Takeaways: Genie Wiley Genie Wiley was abused and neglected for over a decade until she was discovered in 1970 when she was 13 years old.Known as the feral child, Genie became an important subject of research. Of special interest was whether she could acquire language, as she was no longer within the critical period for language development.Genies case presented an ethical dilemma between prioritizing her care or prioritizing research on her development. Early Life and Discovery The case of Genie Wiley came to light on November 4, 1970. Genie was discovered by a social worker when her mother, who was partially blind, went to apply for social services. Genie had been isolated in a small room starting at the age of 20 months until her discovery at 13 years and 9 months old. She spent most of her time naked and tied to a potty chair where she was given limited use of her hands and feet. She was completely cut off from any kind of stimulation. The windows were curtained and the door was kept closed. She was only fed cereal and baby food and wasn’t spoken to. Although she lived with her father, mother, and brother, her father and brother would only bark or growl at her and her mother was only permitted very brief interactions. Genie’s father was intolerant of noise, so no TV or radio was played in the house. If Genie made any noise, she was physically beaten. Portrait of Genie Wiley. Bettmann / Getty Images Upon her discovery, Genie was admitted to Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles for evaluation. She was severely underdeveloped. She was thin and looked like a child of six or seven. She couldn’t stand up straight and could only walk with a hunched â€Å"bunny walk.† She was unable to chew, had trouble swallowing, and spat frequently. She was incontinent and mute. At first, the only words she recognized were her name and â€Å"sorry.† Testing shortly after she came to the hospital revealed that her social maturity and mental abilities were at the level of a one-year-old. Genie didn’t walk at a normal age, so her father came to believe she was developmentally disabled. However, the researchers brought onto the case after Genie’s discovery found little evidence of this in her early history. It appeared she never suffered from brain damage, mental disability, or autism. Therefore, the impairments and developmental delays Genie exhibited upon being assessed were the result of the isolation and deprivation she was subjected to. Both of Genie’s parents were charged with abuse, but Genie’s 70-year-old father committed suicide the day he was supposed to appear in court. The note he left said, â€Å"The world will never understand.† The Rush to Research Genie’s case drew media attention as well as great interest from the research community, which considered it a rare opportunity to discover whether it was possible for Genie to mentally develop after such severe deprivation. Researchers would never deliberately conduct deprivation experiments with people on moral grounds. So, Genie’s sad case was ripe for study. Genie was not the child’s real name, but the name given to the case in order to protect her privacy. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) provided funding for research and a team was assembled whose goal was to rehabilitate and study Genie’s progress. Genie soon learned basic social skills like using the toilet and dressing herself. She was fascinated by her environment and would study it intensely. She especially enjoyed visiting places outside the hospital. She was talented at nonverbal communication, but her ability to use language did not proceed rapidly. As a result, psychologist David Rigler decided to focus the research on Genies language acquisition. Language Acquisition The discovery of Genie coincided with a debate about language acquisition in the scholarly community. Linguist Noam Chomsky, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, claimed humans are born with an innate ability to develop language. He believed language isn’t acquired because we learn it, but because it’s part of our genetic inheritance. Then, neuropsychologist Eric Lenneberg added a caveat to Chomsky’s ideas. Lenneberg agreed that humans are born with the ability to develop language, but suggested that if a language wasn’t acquired by puberty, it might never be. Lenneberg’s proposal was called the â€Å"critical period hypothesis.† Yet, there was no ability to test the theory until Genie came along. Within the first seven months after her discovery, Genie learned many new words. She had even begun to speak but only in single words. By July 1971, Genie could put two words together and by November she could put together three. Despite  signs of progress, Genie never learned to ask questions and she didn’t seem to understand the rules of grammar. After beginning to speak in two-word phrases, normal children experience a language â€Å"explosion† a few weeks later in which speech develops quickly. Genie never experienced such an explosion. Her speech seemed to plateau at creating two to three-word strings, despite four years of additional work and research with her. Genie demonstrated that it’s possible for an individual to learn some language after the critical period. Yet, her inability to learn grammar, which Chomsky believed was key to human language, indicated that passing the critical period was detrimental to the complete acquisition of a first language. Arguments and Ethical Considerations During Genie’s treatment, there  were disputes amongst the members of her team. In the early days after her discovery, she entered her first foster home with her teacher Jean Butler. Butler claimed she felt that Genie was being subject to too many tests and attempted to make changes to Genie’s treatment. She wouldn’t allow the linguist Susan Curtiss or the psychologist James Kent into her house to see Genie. Other team members claimed Butler thought she could become famous through her work with Genie and didn’t want anyone else to get credit. Butler’s application to become Genie’s permanent foster parent was rejected about a month later. Psychologist David Rigler and his wife Marilyn stepped in and fostered Genie for the next four years. They continued to work with her and let others continue their research throughout that time. However, Genie left the Riglers’ home after NIMH stopped funding the project due to problems with data collection. Throughout the four years in which Genie was being tested and studied, there was debate about whether she could be a research subject and a rehabilitation patient at the same time. The ethics of the situation were murky. In 1975, Genie’s mother regained custody after being acquitted of all charges of child abuse. Genie’s care quickly became too much for her to handle, though, so Genie began to bounce from foster home to foster home. She was once again subjected to abuse in those homes. Soon, she stopped talking and refused to open her mouth entirely. Meanwhile, Genie’s mother filed a lawsuit against Genie’s team and the Childrens Hospital alleging that the researchers prioritized testing Genie over her welfare. She contended that they pushed Genie to the point of exhaustion. The case was eventually settled but the debate continues. Some believe the researchers exploited Genie, and therefore, didn’t help her as much as they could have. However, the researchers say they treated Genie to the best of their ability. Historian and psychologist Harlan Lane points out that â€Å"theres an ethical dilemma in this kind of research. If you want to do rigorous science, then Genies interests are going to come second some of the time. If you only care about helping Genie, then you wouldnt do a lot of the scientific research. So, what are you going to do?† Genie Today Genie is believed to be alive and living in an adult foster home as a ward of the state of California. While the linguist who worked with Genie, Susan Curtiss, has attempted to get in touch with her, she’s been repeatedly rebuffed. However, she said that when she calls the authorities, they inform her that Genie is well. Yet, when journalist Russ Rymer saw Genie at her 27th birthday party, he painted a much bleaker picture. Similarly, psychiatrist Jay Shurley, who was at Genie’s 27th and 29th birthdays, claimed Genie was depressed and had withdrawn into herself. Sources Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Overview of Feral Child Genie Wiley.† Verywell Mind, 9 March 2019. https://www.verywellmind.com/genie-the-story-of-the-wild-child-2795241Pines, Maya. The Civilizing of Genie. Teaching English Through the Disciplines: Psychology, edited by Loretta F. Kasper. Whittier Publications, 1997. http://kccesl.tripod.com/genie.htmlNOVA. Secret of the Wild Child. PBS, 4 March, 1997. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2112gchild.htmlFromkin, Victoria, Krashen, Stephen, Curtiss, Susan, Rigler, David, and Rigler, Marilyn. The Development of Language in Genie: A Case of Language Acquisition Beyond the Critical Period Brain and Language, vol. 1, no. 1, 1974, pp. 81-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0093-934X(74)90027-3Carroll, Rory. Starved, Tortured, Forgotten: Genie, the Feral Child Who Left a Mark on Researchers. The Guardian, 14 July 2016. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jul/14/genie-feral-child-los-angeles-researchers

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Culture Clash Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Culture Clash - Research Paper Example Each of the group members were to offer an intervention strategy and give their feelings about the recipient of this intervention strategy. After hashing the scenario, all group members were to offer emotional advice to the group member with the new intervention innovation as though to console or criticize how the person chose to handle the given problem. This culture clash was produced by very different personalities and emotional responses and inherent cultural differences were noted. The group activity The scenario involved a hypothetical patient having a difficult time dealing with a parental figure who was both an alcoholic and a perfectionist. The patient was 19 years old, a white American male, still living home and currently unemployed after being let go from a modest-paying production salary. Part of the job perks had been the ability to use deductions from salary to pay for ongoing education, which was unaffordable due to the mother’s excessive costs of drinking and therefore the individual was currently not attending school. To make matters more difficult, the father consistently pressured the now-adult son to find a better path for himself and generally made the environment unsuitable and unsatisfactory living. Coupled with this, the loss of a trusted girlfriend due to an unexpected car accident just four months prior, the hypothetical psychological patient was withdrawing from others, but still remained motivated to become independent of his parents’ unsatisfactory environment. To identify the culture clash involved, it was necessary to outline the entire case study and all of the situations that came along with it. This youth was typically well-adjusted and the group was to come up with social and psychological strategies, or a blend of them both. The person in the group was to take on the role of a trusted friend who happens to be visiting the house during a period where the father is harassing the son in front of the polite company and obviously belittling his talents and attitudes. To add further fuel to the fire, the mother begins the same tirade and the arguments turn into a heated explosion where the entire group is at each other’s throats. In the group, there were primarily white Americans. However, there was one female Chinese group member, one obviously Middle Eastern individual, and an African-American male. The solution offered by the author involved taking a passive stand and just allowing the argument to continue unless the arguing family members asked for opinion or directed comments in the guest’s direction. This was to ensure neutrality in the case. When the group members gave their opinions and emotional responses to how I had chosen to handle this issue, most of the responses from virtually all cultures were criticizing. They seemed to believe that in order to end the chaotic environment that was leading to what looked like physical hostility, it was my responsibility to interven e and try to calm the situation. Conflict negotiation in this case was deemed best to be disruptive and preventative using appropriate soft language. I wholeheartedly disagreed with the group. Most of the responses from the white Americans involved a more passive stand in the situation. This could be due to the sociological norms that exist in the United States in relationship to image protectionism or the lure of curiosity